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We have been lucky enough to work with fabulous people!  Helping clients to reach their goals is what motivates our every move.  Here's what some of our clients have had to say about working with Headspace Organizing!

"Once again Headspace Organizing created space
where I thought I had none."


"Leah has transformed chaos into
organized elegance."


It’s so beautiful, I even keep it that way. She also helped go through my late husband’s things. Her sensitivity, patience, and wisdom were invaluable.


-Meta P.

"I honestly have no idea how she does it, but Leah folds space."


She found room we didn’t even know we had. She didn’t just throw things away (though she helped us do that, too); she figured out how we really lived (or wanted to live) and then re-organized and re-prioritized our stuff within the space we had in such a way that all of sudden, we could actually find and use the things we had. The best part is that a whole level of frustration and stress is gone – no more wondering where things are, no more fighting to keep things spilling out of cupboards, no more hoping no one looks in the closet. Living this way is an everyday luxury. Sometimes I just go down to the basement, look around, and smile. A place for everything and everything it its place. And I didn’t have to do a thing.

If you’re even thinking about it, do it. Don’t fool yourself like I did for years, thinking that you are going to “get to it”. You won’t – and you really wouldn’t know what to do if you did. Not like Leah.


-Jeremy P.


The basement, garage, kids’ rooms, toy closet, my closet and the hall closet all look fabulous. Everything has it’s own, perfect place. And most importantly each has a label (words for us, pictures for the kids) so we know where everything goes. It’s so easy, even the kids are doing it! I also loved the ideas for how to keep us organized, starting with the buckets in the kids rooms to be filled by the house cleaner on her day and then emptied by the kids. Who knew the kids wouldn’t even mind cleaning out their buckets.


A great job was also done in utilizing furniture and other items we already had on hand to aid in the organizing. I appreciated that when it came time to purchase organizing tools, the best made products for the best prices were sourced – what a money saver! Finally, Leah helped me decide what to save and what to give away, and where to send it, which created even more space. Headspace Organizing has been perfect for our busy family’s organizing needs!


-Karen H.

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